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The author’s assertions are misleading at best, outright false at worst. Their testing is inherently flawed, and they’re misinterpreting the output from hashcat. Although their choice of bcrypt is a good one, they clearly don’t understand how to actually evaluate different algorithms, and I commend the auditor for not allowing them to do so.

The author’s process doesn’t prove that bcrypt is more secure than whatever SHA2-based alternative was being proposed (from the example, seemingly sha512crypt). It simply proves that the number of rounds they chose for sha512crypt didn’t match the timing factor they chose for bcrypt. That’s just dumb.

I could just as easily provide a counter-example by stacking the odds in my favor. The time it takes to brute force a bcrypt or sha512crypt hash is configurable when generating the hash; I could just as easily choose options that appear to support sha512crypt being more secure.

What matters here is that the company wanted to use an algorithm that wasn’t requested by their customer. Their customer had a detailed document explaining which algorithms they would prefer. Although bcrypt is generally considered top notch security, vulnerabilities have certainly be found in various implementations over time.[0] This company’s customer—the US government—wanted something they had personally vetted and approved, which is understandable. Even if you could prove that one algorithm is slower than another, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s more secure; it’s just more resistant to brute force attacks.

Furthermore, the author says “SHA2-based” without elaborating, causing several HN commenters to assume raw SHA2 was used here. However, the author’s hashcat example shows sha512crypt. That means it’s not raw SHA2; it’s been adapted to be made proper for password hashing, including salting and multiple rounds. It’s the same as calling bcrypt “Blowfish-based:” yes, it’s true, but it’s somewhat misleading if you completely omit any mention of bcrypt. Raw Blowfish should never be used for password storage; it isn’t designed for that, much like SHA2.

[0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bcrypt#Versioning_history

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