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Anecdotally I used to be less empathetic but I took some steps to change that long ago.

But, high pain tolerance would still describe me even after that point... I've had broken ribs, broken fingers and toes, broken hand and wrist, chipped teeth, broken nose, seriously infected abrasions, large boils (now these fucking hurt), torn labrum on left shoulder, surgery on right shoulder with a really uncomfortable elastomeric pump, a few minor head injuries, minor fracture in one foot, cigarette tattoos, high-speed bike crashes with no protective gear, a perplexing squishy fluid sac under the sole of my foot from sprinting, etc.

I still feel pain but I would have to imagine that a pain-sensitive person might not get up to the same stuff that I do. It really depends on the type of pain.

The two most excruciating were dengue fever and a couple bouts with moderately-sized kidney stones. Dengue was worse, definitely earning its local name here of "bone-break fever" due to the intense and constant aching. Near the end there is a characteristic rash, which is mercy compared to the first 3-4 days. The whole experience left me physically destroyed for months! I returned to lifting weights after I thought I had recovered, but my one-rep max lifts were halved on every single movement and it took another month to return to the level I was at before.

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