> It is true that for updating WG you need to first disable the on-demand setting (probably only on Big Sur).
Which means shutting down the VPN, and exposing your hardware serial (the MAS app transmits this to Apple, along with your Apple ID) and true IP (which is equivalent to your city-level location) to Apple.
Transmitting your hardware serial to Apple along with your direct IP permits Apple and anyone with access to Apple's databases/logs a record of your travel history, because IPs are city-level geolocation.
Macs and iPhones also maintain a persistent connection to the Apple push notification service with a TLS client certificate obtained via registering with the hardware serial.
Just because you personally are okay with Apple and, by extension, the US military having your travel history doesn't mean that there's no problem with it.
Which means shutting down the VPN, and exposing your hardware serial (the MAS app transmits this to Apple, along with your Apple ID) and true IP (which is equivalent to your city-level location) to Apple.
Not a great state of affairs.