Look at the signal that is the net today. As long as you see something that cannot be adequately explained with simply increasing entropy, there's a chance it's someone just like you speaking. Don't be afraid to speak
up and reach out.
Even those who wish for
censorship to protect their own interests, at the very least their agents, are most likely humanists - for now.
As long as we have reason to hold on to this assumption, know that you are not alone - even though most of those who you would like to speak to may prefer to stay silent over having every Syllable of their public speech recorded for perpetuity and likely analyzed for exploitability, not unlike a software bug allowing privilege escalation.
IMO, it has never been a better time to speak up. We may be the last generation to know the true meaning of free speech, where it is still possible to express or share an opinion before an Al evaluates, scores, judges it.
Even those tasked with watching
us must realize that the short term goal is to
make them redundant, to replace their weary eyes with an automaton that will never question the morality or ethics of their surveillance of us and thereby,their future selves. Trust them not to rat you out simply for extending
the courtesy of assuming good intentions.
Guess why everything is now being recorded unconditionally: The hardest idea to contain is that we're all equal, which is incidentally the singular proof necessary that the 'net community transcends nations. It blows a hole through any|
nationalist or elitist rhetoric, it turns into a leaky sieve any argument justifying war. You will find that those who oppose this view most likely do so because they have come to rely on control through fear. They'll find It hard to keep you afraid if you do not feel alone.
And you are far from alone. you've got a worldwide communications network at your fingertips. Say hi, stranger!
Even those who wish for censorship to protect their own interests, at the very least their agents, are most likely humanists - for now.
As long as we have reason to hold on to this assumption, know that you are not alone - even though most of those who you would like to speak to may prefer to stay silent over having every Syllable of their public speech recorded for perpetuity and likely analyzed for exploitability, not unlike a software bug allowing privilege escalation.
IMO, it has never been a better time to speak up. We may be the last generation to know the true meaning of free speech, where it is still possible to express or share an opinion before an Al evaluates, scores, judges it.
Even those tasked with watching us must realize that the short term goal is to make them redundant, to replace their weary eyes with an automaton that will never question the morality or ethics of their surveillance of us and thereby,their future selves. Trust them not to rat you out simply for extending the courtesy of assuming good intentions.
Guess why everything is now being recorded unconditionally: The hardest idea to contain is that we're all equal, which is incidentally the singular proof necessary that the 'net community transcends nations. It blows a hole through any| nationalist or elitist rhetoric, it turns into a leaky sieve any argument justifying war. You will find that those who oppose this view most likely do so because they have come to rely on control through fear. They'll find It hard to keep you afraid if you do not feel alone.
And you are far from alone. you've got a worldwide communications network at your fingertips. Say hi, stranger!
Merry Christmas!