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Will Nokia Become The IBM Of Handsets? (mobilecrunch.com)
8 points by linuxnow on May 16, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

However, a move like this could put WinPho on the map, especially in countries where the name Nokia is synonymous with quality.

I think the author overestimates the power of Nokia's brand. In South Africa, the sort of place the author seems to refer, RIM is taking the lower-middle end of the market by storm, and displacing Nokia. Users who used Mxit (a hugely popular chat app) on Nokia are jumping to BBM in droves ("unlimited" data with BIS also helps).

Users in developing countries, which may be seen as the last viable market for Nokia, are more savvy than commonly assumed.

Nokia may be able to hold on to the very basic entry level market though.

There's always Finland.

As far as I know, Nokia is still pretty strong in Europe (?).

The blog post that the author points to says NOTHING of what the author claims it does. If the author is not referring to that particular post - none of the recent posts touch on the topic.

No, that niche is already occupied by Blackberry.

As far as I know what was holding MS back before was the EU's reaction to MS maybe buying Nokia as far as EU's overseeing monopoly issues of MS..and certainly you had the Finnish government costs of winding down workers..

What we do know thus far is that possibly that much cash is still parked in EU due to MS's tax savings strategies

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