It doesn't suprise me, I've noticed that they've started trying to push political media on Spotify. A couple of weeks ago it was recommending me a new single called "Black Lives Matter" by an artist I'd never heard of, and who only had 46 monthly listeners.
Would anyone report it if it was anything else? Seriously it could have happened to 1% of spotify and nobody would notice. All the conspiracy theory nut jobs that watch Jones see a fly move the wrong way and think it's the deep state coming after them
Hate causes people to do things that are ordinarily against their principles. And that's dangerous.
Many traditional as well as internet media outlets have been fanning the flames of hate for Trump and his allies and followers, as well as a bunch of opinions that are barely related (if at all) to Trump.
I don't like Trump, but I don't hate him either. Hate will continue to have negative consequences for a long time, and could ultimately undermine any attempt we make to move on and move toward freedom and prosperity for everyone.
Well I do hate him, and have utter contempt for his supporters for betraying conservatism and the movement I love, but I still think you’re right. Scrupulous honesty and fair dealing even in the face of the most outrageous behaviour is the right course.
There can be no backsliding on principles, especially in the face of unprincipled behaviour. None. It doesn’t matter what the provocation. The purpose of the provocation is precisely to trick people into compromising so the opponent can say “see, they’re the same, what we’re doing is fine because everybody does it”. No everybody doesn’t do it and it’s not fine, and anybody caught doing stuff like this deserves to suffer the consequences, whatever their motives.
That’s true, but the decision should be made by the company as part of policy, not by a group of disgruntled employees, who don’t represent the company as a whole.
This article is about nothing. Conspiracy theoriest followers create conspiracy theory about why conspiracy video didn't show up in spotify, creating another conspiracy theory in the process. It's like russian doll inception with these bozos
> Update, November 30th: Spotify has now denied any foul play in the deleted episode, attributing the issue entirely to a technical glitch. “The issue with the episode was entirely technical and any suggestion that it was a result of nefarious activity by someone on the Spotify team is completely false,
Edit: Even Joe Rogan himself says it's not true lol
> with Rogan himself working to dispel any notions of employee interference