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No one stole anything, this is about an incorrect FAQ page.

The SEC appears to disagree with you, and given that they're the experts, I'm going with them. Robinhood ended up with at least tens of millions of dollars of customer money that they shouldn't have, and were covering it up with lies.

No, literally the SEC is fining them about an inaccurate FAQ page. If their FAQ page was different, they would not have been fined.

Yes, it was inaccurate in the same sense that it was inaccurate for 7-year-old me said the candy bar must have accidentally fallen into my pocket at the store.

A false statement that covers up one party gaining at another's expense is something that I'm going to presume is a lie. Especially when that false statement is made prominently, over and over. Calling that an inaccuracy strikes me as another convenient inaccuracy.

It's not an "incorrect" FAQ page. It was not some mishap. This is is clear cut fraud.

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