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The writer's point about it being harder to make money with internet scams is the result of the normal "learning curve" of criminal enterprise--where the victims learn to protect themselves. It is the real reason "crime doesn't pay", at least not for long. Protecting yourself from a scammer, or even from actual physical theft, is easier than doing the crime, so successful criminals need to keep ahead of the reaction.

Also, the comment about the mangled syntax misunderstands its purpose--the surest way to a successful con is to make the mark feel smarter than the conman. As several people have observed, most cons work by making the mark think he is going to get something for nothing, or at least for less than its worth.

I just finished reading Robert Greene's The 48 Laws of Power about a month ago, so all this is near the top of my mind right now; a lot of his illustrative anecdotes involved conmen.

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