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Kung Fu Tetris (lannyland.blogspot.com)
114 points by sbussard on May 16, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

I would like to see a heart rate monitor hooked up. Tie that into game speed and you could get a very decent workout.

Thanks to MAFIAA: "This video contains content from UMG. It is not available in your country."

Thanks to Amazon's EC2 micro instance for $0 and a little bit of Free Software: The video is actually quite funny. :)

Very neat idea. Kung Fu + AI + Vision Computing. There might be a chance that it could be played only with a PC and a Webcam, like the flash game Motion Bubbles, I guess.

This is awesome. His Tetris skills do leave something to be desired though :)

Btw, the only thing I would think could make this better is if a punch did a hard drop.

You had me at kung fu. A bit misleading as it could be any generic martial art. It's interesting to see kicks mapped to tetris though.

Lanny, this Tetris and street fighter Kung Fu in real life :-) http://www.videomomo.com/17630/tetris-and-street-fighter-kun...

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