Not the OP, but I think the point is that it's just not a large enough issue for me to care about given how much I like what they produce. Honestly, I just really don't care. I don't like it, but there are a lot of things in life I don't like. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this view.
I do care (and steadfastly refuse to play newer pokemon/animal crossing due to the save shenanigans), but not so much that I didn't buy a (used) switch with the top games (Mario odyssey, Mario kart, breath of the wild, smash) on cartridges.
I am super sad that there's no easy way to run Android (for steam link) on it, but I understand (if not agree with) Nintendo's position here. If I could play all my steam games on my switch, I'd never buy switch games except exclusives (which is most of my library anyway).