Sadly there are a bunch of people that have a cult of a certain company and nothing will make them realize that their cult company is, in fact, a regular company trying to squeeze as much profit as possible.
All this stalking looks illegal though, that is really beyond acceptable.
The guy being stalked is a 26 years old person. Looking back at when I was 26, if I suddenly had known I had a multinational company sending out PIs to stalk me, I'd be freaking the f out.
You don't necessarily need a cult following though. I despise Nintendo's approach to the mod community, and their pitiful online implementations, but I still think they make great games. I'm not really a fanboy either, I just enjoy some of their games. I could take a stronger moral stand and and boycott them, but let's be realistic it'll be just a drop in the bucket, just like boycotting Disney.
This, to me, is the right attitude to have. I really hope the pendulum eventually swings back to it being acceptable to have nuanced opinions about things. Nowadays if you dislike one thing a corporation does, or one publicized event from some public figure, you're expected to burn every bridge related to it or be branded as a hypocrite at best, or it's assumed you're an evangelizing psycho cultist for whatever that thing is.
Sadly there are a bunch of people that have a cult of a certain company and nothing will make them realize that their cult company is, in fact, a regular company trying to squeeze as much profit as possible.
All this stalking looks illegal though, that is really beyond acceptable.
The guy being stalked is a 26 years old person. Looking back at when I was 26, if I suddenly had known I had a multinational company sending out PIs to stalk me, I'd be freaking the f out.
I hope he's fine.