I'm not going to lie, when I hear "SPA", I don't think "fast"; I think "10s of megs of javascript, increasingly unresponsive browser tab".
Maybe that's an unfair genralisation from a small percent of poorly written SPAs, but that small percent have really had me hankering for multiple page websites with judicious use of JS.
I agree wholeheartedly. I know it's dismissed as a flippant response, but I believe a lot of the problem is people wanting things like React on their resumes, and so force fitting it because they don't have other opportunities. There's just so much bloat for things that should be HTML and some small amount of JS.
It's definitely unfair. But yeah, there's a lot of SPAs that are 1) not treeshaken, and 2) probably don't need to be SPAs.
things like loading a whole mapping library, when it's used on one page that maybe 10% of users will ever even load that page. or things like moment.js when all you want to do is get the last day of the month, but need to load that whole library.
then there's the whole, I'm just writing a restaurant website with 3 pages, but let's engineer it with a whole frontend framework and 4 dozen 600kb libraries.
There are a lot of real apps out there, usually in enterprise, or b2b, that the amount of that first page load is actually saved over the course of a users day, possibly an hour, because that app is their job essentially.
This is the job of the architect though right? If the architecture of the app is properly constructed, you shouldn't have the issue(s) OP pointed out.
IMHO in most of the large corporate environments where I've worked, managers are constantly bucking for a promotion. It always seems like the design and IA are left out in order to keep budgets low with a focus on delivery.
Yah, I definitely realise that the negative experiences have a larger impact on my perception of SPAs than the positive ones.
Traditional multipage apps don't get that same "bad rap" in my mind because, while the upper-bound on performance is likely lower than SPAs, the lower-bound is likely higher than SPAs.
I absolutely think fast. SPAs are for applications; I'll take a few second hit up front in order to have an application that doesn't load entire new pages anytime I perform a single action.
Maybe that's an unfair genralisation from a small percent of poorly written SPAs, but that small percent have really had me hankering for multiple page websites with judicious use of JS.