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> thoroughly examined the contents of paper recycling dumpsters used by the cleaning crew.

I've seen comments elsewhere noting how German it supposedly is to examine the paper dumpsters only, and to actually be right about it.

So to nip this in the bud, let me state for the record that these are mediocre Germans at best: Oil-on-canvas does not belong in the paper recycling. They should have separated the cardboard box and properly disposed the painting as refuse.

Edit: extremely embarrassing typo corrected (see responses if you really have to know). I was going for self-deprecation, which has traditionally worked out to be less painful than this for post-war Germany. Clearly, I'm mediocre at best myself.

I’ve come to embrace Mülltrennung wholeheartedly while living here. I even left my first angry note last week to neighbours throwing glass away and not returning it to a recycling bin. I think it’s an important integration step.

Ahem! Not every glass should go into the recycling bin. Most drinking glasses would spoil the stock. So if in doubt, anything which doesn't have a recycle sign on it's label or those dot markings at the bottom for the sorting machines is wrong there. That would be "Restmüll". :-)

I should have expected an answer like this ;) yes I’m aware not all glass goes into the recycling, broken or non-recyclable glass and drinking glasses etc in Restmüll, Pfandflasche to the machine in the supermarket and the others in the recycling bin.

Good, good! ;->

Oh. Oh. Time to emigrate I guess.

It is on the path to Germanicity.

To achieve full Germaninality, however, you have to learn not to want it too much. It's really Zen, in a way, if Zen was still and will, rightfully, forever be trying to overcome the industrialisation of genocide.

Nip in the "bud" not "butt" as long as we're offing exacting critiques ;)


Oh, stop it with this petty nutpicking.

I know you're playing along with the pun train here. But nutpicking is actually a very lovely word and concept


I think you might mean offering, not offing.

Oh no, we are clearing offing the critiques.

The paint could have contained lead or other heavy metals. Clearly, not mediocre but below average.

P.S. - Showed your post to some of my German colleagues. They laughed. They never laugh.

They laugh all the time, they just don't find your jokes very funny ;)


Peak german humor right there. Very efficient, I'm impressed. Thank you

Funnybot would be so proud

Don’t worry, a fastidious HN’er nipped your thing in the butt

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