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"Find a new job" is equivalent to "move to a different country". It's a bullshit response that implies that a certain group should be allowed to do something controversial.

If you're going to exercise exceptional infringement on someone then you should be able to offer a solid rationale.

>Find a new job" is equivalent to "move to a different country".

No it isn't. Switching from cop to ditch digger doesn't require an immigration visa, learning a new language and culture, figuring out the metric system, uprooting your family and maybe supporting your spouse because they won't be able to acquire a job in the new country. Shall I go on?

> If you're going to exercise exceptional infringement on someone then you should be able to offer a solid rationale.

You're almost all the way there to thinking this through. Keep going!

Is being able to record the police controversial?

Police service is not a job for everyone, what applies to factory jobs does not apply to it. It is a position that by definition requires good psychological profile, good reputation, unique qualifications, and so on. Such person surely has no problem finding a job. The police is not there to employ the unemployed.

We give police extra rights over the average citizen. Those extra rights must come with oversight, otherwise they'll be abused heavily (which, depending on region, does seem to be happening a lot).

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