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> It may be that Chrome/V8 need to start using LLVM.

LLVM is far too heavy to be used in such a situation -- page load times would rise dramatically. Really, V8 just needs to start doing hot spot optimizations. Do a quick first pass like they're doing now, then incrementally optimize away the hot spots. If I had to take a guess, I'd say that'll be coming in the next year, in some form or another.

I believe, hot spot optimization is what the new crankshaft infrastructure was about, or are you thinking of something else?

Ah yes, I forgot all about that. Guess it's not a prediction if it's already come true. Anyway, more focus will be put on such things, as we're about as far along as we can get with the initial fast compilation.

I'm used to it. I invented alphanumeric pagers in high school about 5 years after they were available (I had no idea they existed...)

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