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And the other day I saw a HN comment for another one of these HTML5 demos that it kept crashing someone's iOS Safari browser. Apparently Flash doesn't just suck because Adobe are useless, but because interaction and animation is a hard problem to solve.

That said, this was pretty cool. The 3D was a bit "Money for nothing", and my Chrome gave me 10 seconds of beachball each time it switched from 2D video to 3D, but it's still showing that the web is moving forward (to CD-ROMs from the 90's)

One thing I've noticed is when running a WebGL demo in Chrome on a Mac, if another window partially overlaps the WebGL animation it freezes up the entire system.

It's obviously still a work in progress, but I think it will be fantastic when all the kinks are worked out.

That could be because the demo doesn't use requestAnimationFrame. This javascript call will stop whatever function it's given when the canvas is out of view. Frankly I've only noticed major issue on Mac. I'm developing a WebGL app and my boss on a mac had the habit of moving to different tabs without closing my demo before the requestAnimationFrame was introduced. Lets just say he wasn't too happy ;p

True, but... WebGL was finalized two months ago; Flash was released in 1996. Give it time.

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