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Linus Torvalds on the "security circus" (2008) (lkml.org)
91 points by vog on May 12, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 54 comments

He's wrong. Security bugs affect people who might not be using the system at the time, while ordinary bugs only affect the one user.

If a server with credit card information permanently corrupts the filesystem, and bricks all the hardware, and more or less does the worst that a non-security related software failure can do, the server gets reimaged or replaced. It costs maybe a few thousand dollars to replace. Nobody is really affected because failures are expected.

If a server with credit card information has a security bug, then credit card fraud and it's associated costs have to be dealt with, identities might have been stolen, and in general, large numbers of people are affected, possibly severely.

The thing is, ordinary bugs can also be security bugs.

People that fix ordinary bugs then also end up fixing many security bugs that are not classified as such. These are the unsung "heroes".

I think his point is that the important part is working on fixing bugs, and not making a show out of finding security ones.

The guy that fixes an unexploited critical remote code execution or privilege escalation bug is no less (and no more) a hero than the guy that unearths a file-system bug silently corrupting data.

So in my opinion he's right: both are equally important, as you cannot judge of the importance of each one on purely speculative and gross domain grounds. A potential is just that: a potential, until it gets real. Both cases can be mitigated or prevented by applying similar strategies (redundancy, layered checks, ...).

On the other side of the spectrum, a good bunch of Intel video cards have been crashing randomly (ranging from seconds to hours) since years and it affects a good deal of people which have to revert to vesafb or fbdev, or dismiss Linux entirely, right now. Another one is the issue introduced at some point that makes kworker eats up a chunk of CPU for no apparent reason (from 10% to 100%), resulting in useless wakeups and processing, raising power use by 1 to 10W. Multiply that by the growing number of Linux systems using 2.6.35+ and you get quite a bunch of watts that should have never been produced by power plants nor paid to energy companies by the machine owners. It happens right now with real, tangible effects.

I'm not dismissing security bugs, but put things into perspective as things are not black or white, and every single bug matters.

Please read this, here is the point of the discussion, I think this more informative text should have been linked:


He simply doesn't want to make it easier for "exploitz searchers" to recognize which bug patches are "easy to make an exploit."

Agreed. His broader point about not "glorifying" security researchers is valid, but he goes way too far when he says security bugs aren't more important.

There is no point in telling him he's wrong, either. He'll just call you a "masturbating monkey".

So what you are saying is that security fixes should be highlighted separately from regular bug fixes? That in a release, these security fixes should be highlighted and made clear specifically what security fixes went into place?

Because that is what is being discussed here.

This is at the end of the day just so silly. Besides the fact that this is an argument from something like 3 years ago, it's also the case that Linus and the kernel development team just don't have to have anything to do with this process. If you want to pursue secret handshake security for Linux code, set up a project to do that. Projects doing exactly that date back to the mid '90s.

Is this really anything more than yet another opportunity for message board geeks to go "RARRR!"?

"This is at the end of the day just so silly."

What is silly? Really, I have no clue as to what you are trying to say.

So what if he's wrong about that? You don't get a prize for winning that argument; he's still Linus, Linux is still going to be the dominant server platform on the Internet, and he doesn't have to take security any more seriously.

The fact is, despite that one obvious nit with his comment, if you take what he's saying in context, he has a very valid point about how the security community interacts with the Linux development community.

Linus absolutely correct describing this refusal of the monkey's to see anything else beside the matter at hands. The security isn't the main goal of the server development. Successful development of the server is the _goal_ and security is just a necessary piece, among others, in the much bigger picture. Linus understands it and thus he's successfully managed to deliver for 20 years where others, more weak minded and weak willed, have succumbed to the process, security and others monkeys.

Tell him.

Ancient. I stand by my response the first time this appeared on HN:


Thanks for that link... the context and information there is very good.

As an aside: Holy crap! Reading that thread reminded me how high signal/noise used to be on HN. Quite sad.

I blame story selection. There is a pronounced unmistakable bias towards bullshit controversies on HN.

Indeed. I flagged this. Digging up 3-year-old flames? Is that really the level of discourse we want?

Unfortunately, because HN is markedly bigger now than it was in 2008, this story is already over 80 votes and the flags aren't going to do anything. The flag weights need tuning.

This won't be popular, but: Linus' attitude is part of why Linux sucks at security.

Go to e.g. osvdb.org, search for 'Linux kernel': 878 results. Search for 'Solaris', which includes many non-kernel vulnerabilities: 595 results; search for 'freebsd': 171, including e.g. ftpd issues; search for 'OpenBSD': 93, again including stuff like an XSS in OpenBGPD's bgplg (very much not part of the kernel!) This is not merely historical; Full-Disclosure readers get a "vulnerabilities in Linux kernel: 20 issues fixed" every month or so.

Yes, Linux has some really nifty stuff, lots of people are looking at it, and things like GrSecurity can be useful. But it also has a lot of (local) kernel-level vulnerabilities compared to similar pieces of software.

Just because more linux security bugs are found dosn't mean that linux has more security bugs. I think there are far more linux boxen connected to the internet than solaris and *BSD, so the incentive to search for vulnerabilities should also be greater.

Linux has more security bugs because it's a tangled mess of spaghetti code, large sections of which aren't particularly well maintained.

Seriously, try looking for dangling pointer bugs, there's tons, you can just pluck them from the trees.

Here's a comment I posted a while back that might be of interest: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2301830

Spent much time crawling through BSD driver code, have you?

Haha, I spent a bit looking at Net and FreeBSD, but I stopped because no-one really uses it, so what's the point?

To be fair, this stuff happens in BSD land too, but nowhere near as much as on Linux. To be fair again, the Linux codebase is a very different beast and has grown in a very different way.

Then please start fixing all these bugs and submit patches!

It won't be popular for a variety of reasons, the foremost two being:

1. It's a very dumb metric, for reasons stated well downthread and for many others (the bewildering number of off-by-default hardware and kernel features many of those vulns appear in being another).

2. The fairly obvious rebuttal that things Linus says on message boards actually have little to do with the security of Linux, and that the particular thing Linus said this time has practically nothing to do with the security of Linux.

With the possible exception of OpenBSD†, nobody clueful picks server platforms other than Linux with the expectation that it is going to be easier to keep them secure on the Internet.

Reasonable people can disagree about the extent to which OBSD is a win; in 2011, I'd rather have Spengler on my side than Theo.

It is not a very good proxy for how likely you are to get 0wned. It is available, though, and I'm not convinced that it's so bad that a 5x (Linux kernel/FreeBSD) or 9.4x (Linux kernel/OpenBSD) difference still doesn't say anything.

Linus' words don't affect code quality; but wanting to move quickly does, and Linux does move quickly. I agree that Spengler is pretty awesome, though.

> Reasonable people can disagree about the extent to which OBSD is a win; in 2011, I'd rather have Spengler on my side than Theo.

To quote the wisdom of the dude:

"Well, yeah. That's like, your opinion, man."

My home brew operating system has zero bugs. Thus, it's the most secure os in the world.

Or it is because no body cares or looks at it? ;-)

"Zero bugs" and "zero known bugs" are two different matters entirely :)

True. Please tell this also the kids who think sites like osvdb.org tells them how secure a OS is...

BTW: I'm switching over to NetWare now. osvdb.org shows only one kernel vulnerability!

Can someone edit the title to add "(2008)"?

Can someone edit the title to read “Linus Torvalds on the ‘OpenBSD crowd … of masturbating monkeys’ (2008)”?

Ouch. Was it that unfunny?

"I think the OpenBSD crowd is a bunch of masturbating monkeys, in that they make such a big deal about concentrating on security to the point where they pretty much admit that nothing else matters to them." - Linus Torvalds

http://www.openbsd.org/goals.html - OpenBSD goals (security is #3).

I still think it was a cheap shot and not representative of the project. Goal #2 seems to get a lot more play in heat from the OpenBSD project.

Linus likes to run his mouth about things he doesn't know, and unfortunately, people listen.

OpenBSD is great because of everyone's obsessive focus on quality. This means fixing bugs (all security exploits are bugs), providing clean interfaces, and keeping garbage out of the system.

Linux development tends to be a lot more "pragmatic," which in practice means trying to hide bugs (http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2008/Jul/276), being ok with providing a crapload of weird, incompatible, non-unixy interfaces to do things (compare Linux wireless configuration vs. OpenBSD's ifconfig), including binary blob garbage with the kernel, and relying on bloatware like Gnome.

I must say that Linux managed to beat them at goal #1 ("including the ability to look at CVS tree changes directly") by using git instead of CVS.

I don't think choice of git over CVS really has anything to do with the goal or history of why it is a goal.

git is easier to use than CVS and more practical because of its speed and distributed nature. Add the (controversial) topic branches to the mix and you have an easy way to contribute the project or make your own custom fork.

Sure if you look just at the source code, I agree that the one for OpenBSD looks better than the one for Linux.

I think perhaps he is slightly over reacting to get his point across. Whilst security bugs may well be worse than a lock up (due to stolen data etc.), they aren't the be all and end all of the system. I think he thinks that perhaps the security people won't pay any attention to his point unless he is very ... blunt about it.

Likely scenarios resulting from various system defects:

Non-security defect: system goes down for a while, company loses money, possibly data, reputation suffers. Companies using sensible redundancy and backup procedures are able to recover.

Security defect: system is compromised, user data stolen, internal company secrets stolen, financial data stolen, financial instruments (CC data) stolen. Massive impact on the company and on the customers, much higher potential for the destruction of the company due to damage to its brand and its business.

It's the old academic vs. real world dilema just re-framed around operating systems. Is it worth securing the OS to the detriment of bug fixes? Will users be happy with a secure but buggy OS? The answer is always a balance between the two, but I think Linus is right to knock 'security' off the pedestal as the most noble of pursuits. Security alone isn't enough.

Oh, the The Linus Circus is in town again. Good times.

Why are you down-voting this?

from HN comment guidelines (http://ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html)

  "That is an idiotic thing to say; 1 + 1 is 2, not 3" 
  can be shortened to "1 + 1 is 2, not 3."
Parent comment can be shortened to "".

  Please avoid introducing classic flamewar topics unless 
  you have something genuinely new to say about them.

  Resist complaining about being downmodded. It never 
  does any good, and it makes boring reading.

And which rule is "Oh, the The Linus Circus is in town again. Good times." violating? It's a funny statement. I like it. I cannot see any flamewar topic in it...

A good litmus test for knowing whether to post a comment on HN: is it useful?

If it is merely funny, trolling, or otherwise flippant, there are many other sites where such posts are at least tacitly encouraged.

Sorry, this is exactly why HN sucks. Am I not even allowed to criticize you or ask questions?

Sure, asked and answered.

But this question in particular is discouraged. Follow HN for any length of time and you see the answer. If you want a meta-thread about posting, create one. But this thread is (was) about security.

> Am I not even allowed to criticize you or ask questions?

Sure you are. You're also welcome to leave if the community norms for voting are not in line with your own.

All communities have some degree of self policing. Those that allow any commentary to go by usually end up embroiled in vitriol and snark. HN strives to keep a specific level of intelligence (to varying degrees of success). As was stated elsewhere, and I mean no disrespect by this, if the community-enforced standards of comment quality do not appeal to you, you have the choices of (A) not commenting, (B) spending more time asking yourself if your comments will be deemed acceptable by the community or (C) leaving.

I too like to fire off witty, snarky comments. But after a few of them got torn apart vote-wise, I now spend more time asking myself if I will be adding anything useful to the discussion. While I try to refuse the allure of groupthink just so I can get the rush of seeing my karma count move up, I do attempt to at least find a way to state my opinion in a way that is palatable and intelligent.

The week would not be complete w/o a Linus rant.

Well, nobody ever said Linus Torvalds kept his opinions a closely held secret.

Why exactly is this is on HN? It's not only very old, but it's also just plain stupid.

tl;dr: Linus thinks "the OpenBSD crowd is a bunch of masturbating monkeys"

It is so sad that Wikipedia doesn't feature IMDB style quotations in its bios. This one would really make Linus' read less drab.

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