> These courses teach very little judgement or industry relevant stuff.
Hasn't that been the debate for, like, ever?
Should the universities teach you how to learn or should they teach you how to hit the ground running at your first post-graduation job?
I'd say anyone who took phd-level courses on compiler design shouldn't take too much training to become a valuable team member as they've proven they can learn what is important for the given task but maybe that's just my uninformed opinion.
I feel like "teach you to learn" vs "teach you useful skills"is a false dichotomy, and often just an excuse for poor teaching. They can and should do both. The reasom they don't is because they're so research focussed, which is fine as an option but a problem because there are no or vert few good options for high level academic courses that are more practically focussed.
Hasn't that been the debate for, like, ever?
Should the universities teach you how to learn or should they teach you how to hit the ground running at your first post-graduation job?
I'd say anyone who took phd-level courses on compiler design shouldn't take too much training to become a valuable team member as they've proven they can learn what is important for the given task but maybe that's just my uninformed opinion.