I assume that there are people who want to only see articles which are similar to the ones that they've already seen, but that defeats the purpose of RSS for me.
I want to see new things from the same sources that I've already identified as being interesting. To that end, I frequently add subscriptions to a category called "New", and after a dozen articles or so either file it properly or stop pulling it.
Great. I'm not claiming that existing RSS aggregators are broken, but this method is certainly better for me personally. Findka's meant to make things a little more automatic for those who want to spend very little time on managing their sources. The bandit algorithm makes it so you don't need to explicitly mark which sources you've decided are interesting. And the main, non-RSS part of Findka (article recommendations via collaborative filtering) helps expose you to new articles and sources.
This new feature is probably most useful for people who aren't already using RSS regularly.
Oh trust me when I say feedly is broken. They keep adding features looking for paying subscribers. 80% of those features are rubbish if all you want is to read articles from feeds you curate yourself. Everything else is just noise.
Considering that almost all readers I’ve used have features that at least partially support this use case, I think even some people who already use RSS will like it :)
I want to see new things from the same sources that I've already identified as being interesting. To that end, I frequently add subscriptions to a category called "New", and after a dozen articles or so either file it properly or stop pulling it.
Most RSS readers can handle this workflow.