Today I learned Hacker News is filled with libertarian ideologues.
It's amazing that people who pride themselves in critical thinking and problem solving (hackers), can actually be so naive as to believe this nihilistic Ann Rand crap.
HN is starting to look more like Reddit every day.
HN has always had its share of libertarian partisans, some who were reasonably cogent and some who drank the Randian kool-aid and did not notice when it dissolved their brain. The difference is that on HN you will see a lot more pushback from people who are not going to let the second class of ideologues get a free pass on their BS (e.g. the responses to various "just let the market sort it out" tropes being dragged out by the usual suspects.) On Reddit the moderates would be downvoted into oblivion and this discussion would have turned into a libertarian circle-jerk within fifteen minutes.
It's amazing that people who pride themselves in critical thinking and problem solving (hackers), can actually be so naive as to believe this nihilistic Ann Rand crap.
HN is starting to look more like Reddit every day.