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So, no. It’s not already usable and there are no complete alternatives you can point to.

You speculate that Amazon may have an internal framework for this, but so what? Even if your guess was correct, that’s not AOSP, and it’s not open.

Your statement that AOSP ‘already does’ this simply isn’t true.

It seems like you don’t distinguish between things that are possible in principle, and things that are actually true.

You're essentially suggesting that Android should have Tor built in. The point is that it's possible to use other push services on Android and has been done, just like it is possible to use Tor on Android. There is no reason that AOSP itself needs to implement Tor any more than Windows or AOSP needs to provide a push API. Both are possible to implement on top of the platform and have been implemented on top of the platform.

This is unlike iOS, which is the real broken platform.

Why are you talking about iOS?

Also who said anything about Tor? What relevance does it have?

Of course any open source project can have features added in private. Those are not part of the platform.

It’s certainly not true to say those features already exist in the platform, as you falsely tried to claim upthread.

It also doesn’t mean you can add them to the platform if the maintainers don’t accept them.

As I say, you are confusing what is possible in some other reality with what is actually true.

Push messaging is a service, just like anonymous proxies are a service. It doesn't make sense to put them into a platform if they can be built on top of the platform. It would make sense to put something like this into iOS because it can't be built on iOS. It doesn't make sense to put it into AOSP.

Earlier you said AOSP had a framework for push notifications, a statement found to be false when checking the links you provided.

Now you say it doesn’t make even sense to put this feature in the platform, confirming that you were lying when you said it already was part of the platform.

Why are you talking about iOS?

AOSP has a framework to support multiple backends. It's called the Service framework. With it, you can build a library to simplify dealing with backends, and I pointed you to one such library.

> Now you say it doesn’t make even sense to put this feature in the platform

Of course it doesn't make sense to build that library into the platform.

> Why are you talking about iOS?

iOS doesn't provide the ability to make this possible, which is probably why you are so confused.

“I pointed you to one such library”

You pointed me to an abandoned codebase. When I pointed out that it seemed incomplete you said:

“It is already usable.” ( https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25361587 )

Do you still claim it’s already usable? If not, why did you say it is?

You say: “Of course it doesn't make sense to build that library into the platform.”

I agree, but nobody is talking about building that library into the platform. The comment you are replying to is talking about the feature, not that library:

“Now you say it doesn’t make even sense to put this feature in the platform”

Do you think it makes sense to put this feature into the platform?

> Do you think it makes sense to put this feature into the platform?

How many times do I have to tell you that it doesn't?

Do you think AOSP should have a framework specifically for uploading photos to a photo sharing service in the background? That is another standard feature for smartphones. Of course not, it just needs the ability to support uploading photos to multiple services, and people can build libraries on top of the platform to make it easier. This is notably another thing that is not possible on iOS.

> You pointed me to an abandoned codebase.

And another one that isn't abandoned.

> Do you still claim it’s already usable? If not, why did you say it is?

No. I assumed it was because they had already announced it. Any developer who would like it can simply finish the library themselves.

We seem to be in agreement except for your wacky ideas of how much should be in the platform vs. how much should be built on top of the platform.

> No. I assumed it was because they had already announced it.

You said it was already usable after I said that the link you posted showed that it was incomplete.

I.e: You made a claim that you didn’t know was true, but stated it as fact, even when you were asked to confirm it.

This is known as lying - saying something is true, when you don’t know it is true.

In this case I didn’t even call you on it - I just asked whether you were sure it was usable.

Your response was to immediately reply with a false statement.

A true answer would have been: “I don’t know, but I assume so because it has been announced.”

Because you do this, what you say simply cannot be taken at face value.

Says the guy who has been caught lying many times after he finally found a single time that I lied. Sure, buddy.

> Says the guy who has been caught lying many times

If this were true, you’d be able to link to an example of me intentionally stating a falsehood.

> after he finally found a single time that I lied

This is the single time you have confessed to lying.

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