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The point of all. arbitrage plays and other such phenomena is that they don't last forever; as soon as they are noticed they are equilibrated or regulated away.

So someone who finds one only shops it around to HNWs, trying to push as much money into the imbalance as quickly as possible, keeping part of it for themselves. They certainly aren't going to talk about it publicly as that would simply allow others to call attention to the forces that would cause the opportunity to vanish.

Unless you are an HNW yourself you aren't going to hear about it.

> Unless you are an HNW yourself you aren't going to hear about it.

Like I've been alluding to, I'm at the place where I want to either know about it because I'm in the place to know about it, or push as much money into the imbalance as quickly as possible because I know about it and can convince the people that matter they should care

I think it is fascinating when others do and I like seeing how they think.

I'm not asking for how. Just having a conversation about what I like.

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