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Protein folding and related problems remain unsolved despite AlphaFold’s advance (foldingathome.org)
2 points by readyplayeremma on Dec 8, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

(Off topic)

"[email protected]" strikes again! Anyone viewing this page with Javascript disabled has "folding@home" replaced with the text "[email protected]", that links to this page: https://foldingathome.org/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection . This is because if you choose to serve your page via Cloudflare, it helpfully removes anything that looks like an email ID in the page, if the client doesn't have JS enabled - apparently in an attempt to "protect" them from bots.

I first came across this on Mastodon instance pages, where Mastodon IDs, which look like "@username@instance", get replaced with "@[email protected]".

Edit: This is how part of the page looks with JS disabled: https://i.postimg.cc/kXq3dj0X/emailprotectedfolding.png Makes it sound like some sort of surreal humour: "[email protected]’s original focus was on understanding how proteins fold into their dominant structures. ... The general idea behind [email protected] is to harness the power of computers from around the world ... The biomedical applications of [email protected] are quite broad and include Alzheimer’s disease, ... we (the protein science community at large, and [email protected] in particular) "

Thank you for letting me know! I have disabled that feature on the domain now. We just recently migrated to Cloudflare and probably have some tuning to do.

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