I have been working on https://webrtcforthecurious.com/ to solve that. It approaches WebRTC from the protocol. I also try to give credit/real history at the end!
I played around with https://github.com/Sean-Der/webrtc-uri but I don't have any experience/friends in the IETF/W3C so it is never going to happen. I agree it would be really amazing. It would be great if a company that had influence picked it up!
Yea I work on Pion! Thanks for using it :) I get a real sense of purpose trying to make WebRTC more accessible/easier to use. I love seeing what people build. Also really feel in love with teaching because of it. It sure has taken up a lot of my time, but 100% worth it.
I played around with https://github.com/Sean-Der/webrtc-uri but I don't have any experience/friends in the IETF/W3C so it is never going to happen. I agree it would be really amazing. It would be great if a company that had influence picked it up!
Yea I work on Pion! Thanks for using it :) I get a real sense of purpose trying to make WebRTC more accessible/easier to use. I love seeing what people build. Also really feel in love with teaching because of it. It sure has taken up a lot of my time, but 100% worth it.