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Pretty common in some areas in the US for lower income properties, especially in very rural but poor areas. I considered starting in the business until I helped do maintenance for a friend who owned in some "rough" spots.

While somewhat rare, you'd eventually end up doing silly things like having to run PEX plumbing because some tenant ripped out the copper pipes as they got evicted.

Air conditioner condenser units are also stolen quite a bit for some reason as well, so you get to box those in a locked cage.

Any large property with common areas (e.g. a large multistory apartment tower) is much worse, and has to be designed with damage resistance in mind. In fact it got so bad here we abandoned even trying to develop that sort of public housing arrangement as the living conditions became unbearable.

Just items like easy-to-paint-over materials due to graffiti matter when you are sending a crew around once a week to paint over the last round of tags.

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