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It's a C++ and a COBOL.

The language has a lot of stuff that drives me nuts (in reality, it's not much of a drive –more of a short putt [Ed]).

But it is quite performant, stable and capable. I have done a lot of PHP programming, and would be very happy to never work in it again. I have a tremendous respect for the language.

It also has –literally– tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of expert developers, worldwide. Many of these developers used to stink, but are now much better, as a result of their work with PHP.

It also has a massive support infrastructure.

HN doesn't really appeal to the types of developers that make the lions' share of PHP (and C++) implementation base, so you won't always hear about it, hereabouts.

I remember reading an article, some time ago, called "IT Runs on Java 8"[0]. It talked about how much of the IT landscape is composed of folks working in tech and patterns that are not considered "shiny/sexy."

[UPDATE]: Not a problem. I do the same thing ;).

The main thing that PHP has, that very few other languages have, is a gigantic implementation surface. In one of my more successful open-source projects, I deliberately wrote it in PHP (4, then, reluctantly, 5.6), because I knew that would give it a far better chance of being implemented.

I was right. It is now fast becoming the de facto world standard for its demographic.

[0] http://veekaybee.github.io/2019/05/10/java8/

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