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On Trusting Macintosh Hardware (sneak.berlin)
10 points by areoform on Dec 4, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

The assumptions this piece makes about what makes hardware trustworthy are simply not valid and would be dangerous to follow if you really have reason to care about this issue.

The ship sailed on trusting any hardware years ago.

See this excellent explanation: https://www.bunniestudios.com/blog/?p=5706

> The assumptions this piece makes about what makes hardware trustworthy are simply not valid

What makes them invalid?

This is a great example of the divergence between "military-grade" security and real world security. Most people will never "fully wipe, zero out, and then boot from cryptographically verified (locally, on other high assurance systems) boot media" so Apple's restrictions aren't a problem.

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