Not all spellcheckers suggest it wrong, but almost all that rely on statistics, will get it wrong: hoofdaannemer (or hoofdanything), will occur far less than hoofd or aannemer.
This, I fear, is forming our language use. As people rely on tech, they'll follow the suggestions and wrong use of space will turn an actual problem.
* hoofdaannemer - hoofd aannemer : main contracter - person who takes heads
* wegomlegging - weg om legging : road closure, a road around a legging(pants)
* dagverse vis - dag verse vis : catch of the day - goodbye, fresh fish
This twitter has many such errors in the wild.
Not all spellcheckers suggest it wrong, but almost all that rely on statistics, will get it wrong: hoofdaannemer (or hoofdanything), will occur far less than hoofd or aannemer.
This, I fear, is forming our language use. As people rely on tech, they'll follow the suggestions and wrong use of space will turn an actual problem.
Edit: formatting.