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If I made presentations, you would discover that my content was all created on a linux desktop.

What a totally random data point of no relevance or significance eh?

Such things do in fact reflect the character and nature of the people involved. It doesn't necessarilly define them entirely, but yes it does reflect them.

It's not that you're not a "true Scotsman" necessarily if you say, care about linux primarily in other roles than desktops. You can be perfectly sincere in that, and it's valuable even if it only goes that far. But it does mean you are in a different class from people who actually do abjure the convenience of proprietary software wherever possible, and today "possible" absolutely includes ordinary office work and even presentation media creation.

It's perfectly ok to be so compromised. Everyone doesn't have to be Stallman.

It's equally perfectly fair to observe that these people are not in that class, when such class does exist and other people do actually live the life.

You can't have it both ways that's all. If you want to preach a certain gospel to capitalise on the virtue signal, without actually living that gospel and not actually posessing that virtue, it's completely fair to be called out for it.

It seems hyperbolic to say that the operating system a person uses is reflective of their character.

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