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Interesting. I suppose that could let one draw an otherwise dominated game where an opponent is up by more than a queen. Under such circumstances, it seems like it would be quite unlikely to come up in practice. The promoting to an opponents color is interesting, though I don't know that I'd be inherently opposed to it.

Who gets to move that piece? It would be your opponent wouldn't it?

>Who gets to move that piece? It would be your opponent wouldn't it?

More an amusing curiosity than anything truly interesting. It would rarely be practical to give your opponent another piece. Puzzle creators have apparently come up with a few ways to make a scenario where that would be a move required to win, but my understanding is that none of them are terribly realistic.

Yup. I can't imagine it happening in reality but I have seen a puzzle that's mate in one by promoting to an enemy knight, causing a discovered check and the knight can't be captured because it is the opponent's piece.

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