svg`<svg width="${w}" height="${h}">... ${array(500).map(i => `<circle transform="translate(${w / 2}, ${h / 2}) rotate(${randInt(360)})" cx="0" cy="0" r="${50 + i * 3}" fill="none" stroke="${palette[randInt(1, palette.length)]}" stroke-width="${randInt(2, 32)}" stroke-dasharray="${array(200).map(() => randInt(800)).join(' ')}" />`).join('\n')} ...
Also, if anyone is doing creative/visual coding on another platform and tracking their work with Git, check out Git Gallery. It integrates with the code revisions to let you visually track changes:
Also, if anyone is doing creative/visual coding on another platform and tracking their work with Git, check out Git Gallery. It integrates with the code revisions to let you visually track changes: