I heartfully agree, revising the joel test, but the first 3 questions smell a bit too much like an agilist guide . Hey I said smell ;). I'm not against agility, actually the point that I had the more difficulty to bare with of the joel test was : 'do you have a spec ?'.
"Do developers trains at office or on their spare time ?" : split this one in two, in the first case you have a proactive company, in the second case you have proactive employees. That's not the same thing.
"Do developers talk with the client is a good one ?" : there might be company where it is appropriate and others not.
I like question 8 though : "Do developers retains the copyright of work they do on their spare time ?" I'd like that companies had a little more clarity on this.
"Do developers trains at office or on their spare time ?" : split this one in two, in the first case you have a proactive company, in the second case you have proactive employees. That's not the same thing.
"Do developers talk with the client is a good one ?" : there might be company where it is appropriate and others not.
I like question 8 though : "Do developers retains the copyright of work they do on their spare time ?" I'd like that companies had a little more clarity on this.