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I wasn't aware of this huge project [1]. This one seems to be only a smal part of it [2]. This really looks awesome and game changing! I'm very excited to see if I can contribute.

[1] http://openfarmtech.org/wiki/Main_Page [2] http://openfarmtech.org/weblog/2011/03/open-source-micro-fac...

They have a TED Talk which is exciting to watch as well


I was fortunate enough to meet Marcin a number of years ago at a conference in Vienna. He was even then working on developing his Open Source Ecology ideas & hardware.

Yeah, I watched it later the night. Kept me up way to long. I'm still very excited about this!

Yep, it's part of the Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) [1]. You can read the crash course [2] to get a better idea of our project, then see how you can get involved [3], or read a list of specific project needs [4].

All plans of our current and future machines can be used by anyone without restrictions.

[1] http://opensourceecology.org/ [2] http://openfarmtech.org/wiki/Crash_course_on_OSE [3] http://openfarmtech.org/wiki/Get_involved [4] http://openfarmtech.org/wiki/Project_needs#Specific_Project_...

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