1. Sorry you are disappointed by this.
2. This is why I wanted to post here, to make it really clear. Andy only got to spend a few seconds on this and couldn't get into all the nuances. The launch post does, and we'll have more posts over the next 3 weeks just on this topic.
Containerization solves a few things. One big one was the container image as a packaging model. As customers struggle with dependency management or installing native packages (RPMs) we're basically faced with reinvent Dockerfile... or just use Dockerfile. This is an over simplification of what's happening, but that was the initial spark of this, many many cycles ago.
I think this is still going to be really valuable for folks, but what you are looking for already exists I'd say, and is Fargate.
Btw, ppl shouldn't be downvoting this, its all very valid.
> but what you are looking for already exists I'd say, and is Fargate.
IIUC though, Fargate doesn't have "scale to zero" like Lambda and API Gateway. Then again, IMO, scale to zero and the associated cold starts probably aren't the best fit for handling HTTP requests that are waiting for an answer right now.
Cloud Run on GCP is the “run any container” solution that this isn’t. It scales to zero, responds immediately to an incoming http request and can handle up to 50 concurrent requests out of the one invocation for no additional cost.
> but what you are looking for already exists I'd say, and is Fargate.
No, Fargate isn’t that at all. Google Cloud Run is what you meant to say.
This is of course still valuable to allow container-based workflows to adapt to Lambda, but it really seems like AWS missed the mark on identifying why people really want to use containers. Just one look at the amount of people on HN threads or on Reddit excited at using “arbitrary containers on Lambda” should tell you what people really wanted - and now they have to come away disappointed.
Containerization solves a few things. One big one was the container image as a packaging model. As customers struggle with dependency management or installing native packages (RPMs) we're basically faced with reinvent Dockerfile... or just use Dockerfile. This is an over simplification of what's happening, but that was the initial spark of this, many many cycles ago.
I think this is still going to be really valuable for folks, but what you are looking for already exists I'd say, and is Fargate.
Btw, ppl shouldn't be downvoting this, its all very valid.
- Chris, Serverless@AWS