Which is about 10% of all iDevices, so not particularly useless. (And, as others gave said, that doesn't even include the developers who can sign and install it for themselves, as well.)
Most people interested in Bitcoins right now are geeks and the majority of geeks should have jailbroken their iPhones.
80% of the whole iPhone user mass is a gross overestimation, but I don't think that it's an overestimation to say that 80% of huge geeks have jailbroken their iPhones.
A lot of my friends are "geeks", and none of them have a jailbroken iPhone. In fact, the only person I know who has a jailbroken iPhone is a regular teenager, and that's because he refuses to pay for apps.
Right, so your data point is not really relevant to the conversation. The implication was that anyone interested in bitcoin would probably have a jailbroken phone, and since none of your friends are interested in bitcoin, whether or not they have a jailbroken iphone is not particularly relevant. The original context was:
For those interested in Bitcoin right now (mostly geeks) I'd say the percentage of jailbroken iDevices is much higher, i'd throw 80% out as a guess.
They could, yes. They could require all transactions to go through a wallet they implemented. Or simply require all transactions to send 30% to Apple, though that'd be hard to prove, and would require an even lengthier review process.
But I doubt it's in their best interest to do so, honestly. I'd love it, to be sure, but unless / until Bitcoin gets more acceptance, and makes it past a legal barrier or two, it's high risk and high cost for them.