Nobody was going to develop for UWP anyway since (1) the community with knowledge of XAML and the app model was telling to fuck off with Windows Phone being shutted down (I was part of that community), despite its success in Europe, (2) Microsoft never sold any good amount of tablets to make the cross-device story believable and finally (3) UWP didn’t worked on the most deployed OS of the time... Windows 7. It never made any business sense to develop for UWP for a small market share when developing traditional app meant targeting almost every Windows machine out there.
I think Microsoft did the exact reverse of what they had done: they should have open a cross-platform (OS X + Windows) store delivering Silverlight out of browsers app. The Mac App store never had a lot of success, there was a golden opportunity for Microsoft to bank on a concurrent platform.
I think Microsoft did the exact reverse of what they had done: they should have open a cross-platform (OS X + Windows) store delivering Silverlight out of browsers app. The Mac App store never had a lot of success, there was a golden opportunity for Microsoft to bank on a concurrent platform.