Of course, I agree in principle at someone could try to use "identity politics" to try to break up a union. I think in my country all or most of the arbitrary differences you list are "protected classes" and a company seeking to bust a union with such a method would find get in legal hot water pretty fast.
I have no idea how producing formal evidence can ever be counterproductive to your political position. That statement does not make sense to me.
The would not discriminate a protected class, they would elevate one above the other to create the strive, it is irrelevant which one, in most cases the focus would be the smaller one.
The rest of the group would feel put aside and would direct their anger towards the preferred group. That is a basic "flaw" in human psychology. Being called names by a friend hurts more than from a bystander and the same effect is abused here to direct anger from the former target to your own group.
> I have no idea how producing formal evidence can ever be counterproductive to your political position.
I presented it as I see it. I think unions can be very important and it is in my interest that people don't mangle themselves on superficial differences. That happens a lot lately. I am no tycoon to likes union busting.
I have no idea how producing formal evidence can ever be counterproductive to your political position. That statement does not make sense to me.