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How would they know the laws of federally managed public lands on other planets?

All the federally managed public land policies have been on display at the local planning department in Alpha Centauri for fifty years now.

"It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Flaybooz.”

Beware of the Leopard.

Don't be silly. There are no leopards in Alpha Centauri.

That's why they need the warning sign. Centaurians wouldn't be expecting it.

Good point.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

That's what the alien overlords will say when they put humanity on trial.

Well, that is very optimistic view, first we have to survive the AI overlords' trail of humanity.

Probably everyone is a criminal, because no one knows what all of the laws are.

That's the point. The government can compel you as they please under threat of harsh criminal punishment. For example, did you know it's illegal to lie to an FBI agent? Think of how many things could easily be misconstrued as lies in a normal conversation. Introduce yourself to an FBI field agent as a "Jim" when your given name is actually "James"? You've just committed a crime punishable by up to a year in prison.


It has to be "knowingly and willfully", "in any matter within the jurisdiction" of the government. While this is much broader than most people might realize or expect, it probably doesn't extend to using a nickname in a conversation when the agent hasn't asked you your legal name as part of an investigation!

(But the breadth of this kind of rule is definitely a reason that people are discouraged from consenting to an interview with law enforcement without a lawyer present.)

That and there are laws that never go away, like not spitting on the sidewalk or not chewing gum on a Sunday.

Reply below is dead but is spot-on especially for Texas. I believe it's still illegal to wear socks or a tie on South Padre Island.

Sure enough, it is. Found the link[1]

[1] http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,139525,...

Some of these seem perfectly reasonable to me.

> HILLSBOROUGH, N.C. No roosters

Roosters are assholes and AFAIK they're banned in most non-agricultural zoning.

> JONESBORO, GA. No profanity in front of children under 14

A bit moralistic but I could see it happening in a smaller town where people might be more aligned on such things. And looks like the population of Jonesboro is sub-5k.

> JUPITER, FLA. No roadside billboards

I wish this was true everywhere.

> STATE OF TEXAS No walking in the streets if there is a sidewalk

Only complaint I have on this one is that it's cementing car culture worship.


I suspect others are probably over-reactions to single adverse events.

You're not required to know all the laws; but you can't just say "I did not know" when breaking one.

You're not required to know them, but you're presumed to know them.

"no matter what planet you're from", not what planet you're doing it on.

It still works, doesn't it? How would they know the laws on this planet?

Not being a human might indeed be a valid legal defense though! I doubt the law or case history is very clear on that point.

I'm only responding regarding who "they" refers to, not about whether it excuses them.

Pretty sure if they have the technological capacity to travel from somewhere to earth and land undetected they could figure out the laws.

Pretty sure if they have the technological capacity to travel from somewhere to earth and land undetected ... they don't have to care about any human laws.

I’m not convinced. Some economist wrote a thing about how if aliens observed us they would think dogs and automobiles were our rulers cause we spend all our energy taking care of them.

Oh live a little! it was funny

So was the reply you're criticising

Being ignorant of Earth law does not mean one cannot break Earth law.

Why is this being downvoted? Take my chuckle and upvote!

A creature that has highly advanced intelligence but no understanding of the concept of defending one's territory is unlikely.

He shall know our ways, as if born to us.

Open Wi-Fi hotspots

It's a joke.

golden record's whole job

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