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> much more surprised that he did not got impeached.

He was impeached, just not convicted.

True! sry :)

But yeah lets see how the sword will come down on Trumpy.

>His lies? Have you ever had a person lie to so many people constantly?

Yes. Any other president. But they did it with more panache, and were less garish, so that was OK for the mainstream liberal media.

Others misstake doesn't make it better. We should have always stood up and made it clear that lying is not okay.

And 'any other president'. Really? Do you have examples for this? I'm not aware of any president doing it that strong, that crazy, that often.

>Others misstake doesn't make it better.

"Better" is a relative term, so others mistakes do make it better.

If anything, it shows that it's hysteria to scream and panic for something that's more or less business as usual, just more gaudy and with worse PR, and without sharing all the establishments bloodthirstiness for wars, invasion, and interventions.

I'd rather have self-serving deals for golf courses than the nth trillion dollar invasion...

I do think corona shows rather nicely how critical good leadership is.

We should assume that other things also had impacts for people lives.

Otherwise it would mean that a President isn't relevant at all.

While one person takes care of a self-serving deal for golf courses, the other person would sit down and educate themselves on topics like climate change, education and current education system issues etc.

I'm quite bewildered, that you actually prefer a self-serving deals over everything else he could do.

And your two options are missleading arent they? Its not a black and white topic.

>I'm quite bewildered, that you actually prefer a self-serving deals over everything else he could do

Notice that this is weasely phrasing. I didn't say I prefer it over "everything else he could do". Nor I spoke of any kind of "self-serving deal".

I literally said "I'd rather have self-serving deals for golf courses than the nth trillion dollar invasion...".

He did less invasions and wars than Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama, more self-serving deals of the cheap kind, and less self-serving deals of the trillion dollar Wall Street bailout kind.

He also spoke about globalization's issues and losing jobs to China, which was not allowed to do in polite company before...

>While one person takes care of a self-serving deal for golf courses, the other person would sit down and educate themselves on topics like climate change, education and current education system issues etc.

And how did that worked out thus far, up to 2016? Wasn't the climate getting all worse, education all the worse and college more expensive under the last, say, 10+ last of your presidents?

Did any of those things got suddenly or especially bad in 2016-2020?

>Otherwise it would mean that a President isn't relevant at all.

Well, politicians are not that relevant in corporatism.

It's only when they try to do anything besides business as usual, even as lip service, that they become somewhat relevant (e.g. slow down outsourcing of jobs to China, stop the war machine and intervenionism, cater to the middle class, as opposed to the welfare-level poor and the 10%, and so on).

He certainly lied at a much higher level than other presidents, let alone any president. His volume of lies is massive. I think it’s less his delivery style and more that he also lies about so many insignificant details.


His "lying" was no different than any other corporate CEO that needs to talk like that to push people forward to a specific direction.

We can argue all day about the ethics of lying, but at the end of the day, you cant always be 100% honest about your intent to push people in a certain direction, even if it means "for the greater good."

I don’t agree with this take because it was clearly self serving most of the time and to a ridiculous extent, not an ethical gray area.

Should we start with Obama being born in Kenya? Crowd sizes? The possible criminal activity of inflating his net worth (currently under investigation)? Denying Russian interference? The debunked allegation of election fraud and dismissed lawsuits with no proof? These were not necessary for the greater good.

The parent also mentioned Presidents, not CEOs. But I’d argue he is on the high end of the lie generating spectrum for CEOs and not in good company.

The intent is different.

If you do this to get everyone into health insurance that has a different base than if you do it because you want it for your own gain.

You are clinically insane if you think that is true.

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