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Bitcoin has proven to be a poor "medium of exchange", but that is OK because buying and selling Bitcoin is easy enough for it to be a practical place in which to park money. I.e., it has proven to be a satisfactory "store of value".

Gold is a poor medium of exchange, too, but that has not prevented it from being a satisfactory store of value.

(Yes, I know that gold actually was a common medium of exchange at one time; it was displaced centuries ago by the greater convenience of paper money.)

Some visionary types hoped Bitcoin would disrupt government-issued (paper) money and governments and banks generally. The fact that these hopes were dashed does not mean Bitcoin will not remain an OK place to park money.

IMO, Bitcoin is not a satisfactory store of value, it is a speculative investment. It is: a) not liquid b) extremely volatile

Most people would not want their asset prices to swing like Bitcoin's value does.

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