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Cyberpunk 2077 has a ‘streamer mode’ that disables copyrighted music (polygon.com)
14 points by keskadale on Nov 21, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

This is.. god, this is awful. I mean, it's good that they did this because it will help players and content creators that show gameplay to not be blocked, banned, or whatever it is they do. I mean, I even like the feature, in this sense.

But the existence of this problem is just so petty, that it makes me sad that we need to do this.

I see this as a missed opportunity by not including independent artists that release their music licensed under Creative Commons.

Imagine offering an option to switch to only CC music. That would boost exposure of (usually) independent artists while at the same time clearing streamers from any copyright issues.

As an independent music producer myself, I for one would love the notion of my music being included in a game like this, even for free.

+1 The irony (or hypocrisy) is not lost here.

Did someone new take over the RIAA in the last 18 months? I felt like this absurd litigation and nonsense was a thing of the past. I haven’t heard much on this topic in years but then all of the sudden the stupidity was cranked to 11.

No one steals music any more. What are these studios thinking??

> No one steals music any more. What are these studios thinking??

No one steals music like it's 1990 anymore. The RIAA is finally realizing that the ship has sailed, and they've entirely lost control of distribution. No one listens to radio anymore. Very few people buy music. YouTube and Spotify are the music distributors of the younger generation, and the RIAA wants to put that rabbit back in the hat.

All that's left is for Spotify and/or YouTube to start signing artists and it's basically the end for the RIAA.

Issues with game music in streaming have been a constant thing over the past years, and "stream-safe" modes in games are nothing new.

I am only recently hearing about these things. Taking down YouTube DL and all the twitch streamers having to delete their old videos. Seems like a fairly recent push into being aggressive litigators again.

These are notable, yes, and probably why the relative non-event "game has streamer mode" now gets a headline (maybe also due to relative popularity of Cyberpunk 2077? I don't know off-hand if it's been in as major titles before), even though it's something that has been a thing for a long time (because lots of the restrictions requiring it have been a thing for a long time, and thus weren't very present in news).

First steps toward only including music where the copyright holder approves of streaming.

A few games have this setting, Control for one. YouTube streamers like to use it because of the copyright strike nonsense, that way they don’t have to do it manually or turn down the audio.

But doesn't have a release date

It does. December 10 2020

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