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It's pretty disingenuous to pretend that those sites the kind of sites that are under discussion here.

Feel free to read the article, where those websites are linked as the examples being discussed. Absolutely hilarious comment though.

> Go on a safari around some of Japan’s most popular sites and here’s what you can expect to find (see Goo, Rakuten, Yomiuri, NicoNico, OKWave, @cosme, and more):

The links, in case you still don't want to read the article:

- https://www.goo.ne.jp

- https://www.rakuten.co.jp

- https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/

- https://www.nicovideo.jp

- https://okwave.jp/

- https://www.cosme.net/

- https://www.slideshare.net/socialogilvy/top-50-japanese-webs...

The article was written seven years ago. What you see now is not necessarily what you would have seen in 2013.

Thank god for Wayback Machine!



Pretty close, same dense pack of information, tiny photos. Seems to check most of the list.

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