I find it interesting to see continental European perspectives on why the EU is lagging in AI/ML, and the caricatures of cultural differences between the US, EU and China as they relate to technology and innovation.
> Uszkoreit says we have a "Teutonic fear" of AI. It's either too good and will steal our jobs, or not good enough for critical tasks, or evil and will turn against us. We're obsessed with regulation and an "arrogance" that wants to teach the rest of the world what is ethical and trustworthy, he says. We should, says Uszkoreit, focus more on protecting people and saving lives, than protecting and saving their data.
> Uszkoreit says we have a "Teutonic fear" of AI. It's either too good and will steal our jobs, or not good enough for critical tasks, or evil and will turn against us. We're obsessed with regulation and an "arrogance" that wants to teach the rest of the world what is ethical and trustworthy, he says. We should, says Uszkoreit, focus more on protecting people and saving lives, than protecting and saving their data.