I've just released my MVP at gosharepad.com - contact centered email for Gmail + Google Apps (http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2511363)
It's been 3 hours now and I've only receieved 3 upvotes. I find it ironic that the community I've contributed to over the last 2 years (having given feedback to countless Ask HN articles) that I've only received 1 comment on my own Ask HN post that wasn't my own.
Just makes me wonder if I've done something terribly wrong here or just something so uninteresting that nobody cares - even worse IMHO.
At least technically I feel like it's an accomplishment. We essentially built a web-based mail client centered around your contacts using Membase and Flask which should scale nicely.. big deal if you can't get users though right?
And I feel like I did enough market research to determine that there was a gaping hole in the current contact management setup that Google has.
So again I ask. Should I go back to the drawing board? I just don't want to keep putting resources into an idea that is flawed in the first place.
I would really love some honest feedback on this - negative or otherwise.
I found in my small venture that word-of-mouth is hugely important, so try to find ways to get enough users to get the word out there.
You may try other payment options, like a discount for 1-year over month to month, and a free trial that doesn't require a credit card. You may also want to solicit a "beta testers" group that would get the product for free in return for feedback. Getting real people using the site could generate a lot of ideas you might not have thought of.
Good luck and don't give up yet.