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It's not a matter of what we believe, but it's a matter of facts.

Humans comes from nature, and the building blocks of a human are the same as everything else in the universe (as far as we know).

Recent studies have shown that "choice" is made before we are even conscious of it (so byebye free will?), and no studies have shown that we are the only living creature able to make "choices".

"Humans are special", "Humans are different", "Humans are smarter" is the perfect example of arrogance and ignorance of humans.

It is a matter of definitions, and it's a matter of avoiding a fallacy. Just because "we come from nature", doesn't mean we're bound to whatever patterns of behavior we observe in animals, and it especially doesn't mean the "nature" tells us what we should or shouldn't do. The world of non-human living things is a very bad place to look for lessons in morality.

"Humans are different" isn't arrogance, it's observable reality. And we need some words to separate the categories of "things done / caused by humans" vs "things done / caused by everything else" - hence the common meaning of "natural" and "nature".

> the building blocks of a human are the same as everything else in the universe (as far as we know).

Building blocks of everything in the universe are the same, but there's still meaningful difference between things.

Humans _are_ special, humans _are_ smarter. While yes we do share common ancestors with chimpanzees and other apes, there is something incredibly different between us and the chimpanzee. I just got off of an airplane thinking how insane it is humans can build these tools.

We humans wield great power over other life. With great power comes great responsibility, and just as much as we should humbly recognize our origins and common ancestors with other life, we should also recognize the immense responsibilities over other life that we have.

By that definition how is anything ever unnatural? Everything comes from the Big Bang so everything is natural?

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