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“a brief glance at Trump supporters sharing graphical claims of voter fraud is enough for me to immediately detect lying-with-statistics”

Same background. No, you can’t and you know it.

The presented data may not support the assertion for any number of reasons, but a “brief glance” will not “immediately detect” much of anything. Maybe a bunny in a cloud.

What data was collected, how was it collected, what data is not presented, how is the data processed, how the data is presented and what interpretations can we reasonably make, and which we can’t. You need to be able to answer all these questions. Takes some actual work.

Were you a NASA manager on the Challenger mission, by any chance?

>What data was collected, how was it collected, what data is not presented, how is the data processed, how the data is presented and what interpretations can we reasonably make, and which we can’t. You need to be able to answer all these questions. Takes some actual work.

That's assuming that the presented argument is not pants-on-head stupid, of course. However...

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