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What are your thoughts on fastapi? We end up having to define schemas only twice, one for sqlalchemy models and another for the version of that model you want to deliver via the api. The experience has been that the code is almost completely just schema definitions with very little boiler plate, and even the slight duplication between sqlalchemy and pydantic actually end up being more useful than not in every case.

I haven't given it a fair chance, I haven't done python in a few years at work, moving to typescript/node, Go, and Rust instead. I'll definitely check it out though. I was looking at it the other day and it reminded me a lot of flask or to a lesser degree Django with django rest framework, but I didn't make it far enough to understand what was going on with serialization.

I actually just learned about fastapi two days ago, I guess I'm a lot more disconnected from python than I thought I was.

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