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I've used Hopper a lot to assist with reverse engineering, and in comparison the Ghidra decompiler blows its equivalent out of the water.

Hopper hits a beautiful sweet spot for casual disassembly, I find it way easier to pick up again after 6 months than Ghidra or IDA. That said Ghidra's decompiler is freaking awesome, the only thing it seems to choke on are monster-sized binaries (try feeding it the Skype core lib for example)

Large binaries is one thing where the new release of Ghidra is significantly better. I've been building from master for months, because large binaries (100MB or more) take low tens of minutes, not hours, with the improvements.

Hopper is unparalleled for decompiling Objective-C code; outside of that its decompiler is simply mediocre.

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