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There's a few solutions:

LittleSnitch 4 can continue to work (with the kext) on Big Sur following this: [1]

LittleSnitch 5 can block all protected MacOS processes by following this: [2]

Murus can use PF and block IPs for Apple services: [3]. This isn't per process, and is really just a UI for the built-in PF process.

If you'd like to block the notarization check, you can block trustd (/usr/libexec/trustd) access to ocsp.apple.com (on both system and user process ownership in LittleSnitch).

Hope this helps. It's really not as bad as you think, there's a few solutions depending how thoroughly you want to block things.

[1] - https://www.obdev.at/support/littlesnitch/245913651253917

[2] - https://tinyapps.org/blog/202010210700_whose_computer_is_it....

[3] - https://www.murusfirewall.com

> If you'd like to block the notarization check, you can block trustd (/usr/libexec/trustd) access to ocsp.apple.com

Technically speaking, OCSP and notarization are two different things. The notarization check is actually to https://api.apple-cloudkit.com by /usr/libexec/syspolicyd

Thank you, I didn't know that.

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