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pop_os is far from immune to this frankly.

It is surely not perfect (I wouldn't know, I use different distro).

But when people won't reward Linux integration, and reward Windows or Apple instead, there won't be any Linux integration and they will be getting Windows or Apple.

Offer a competitive price for a competitive product and support and people will pay for it. That's currently not possible with Linux for personal computing.

I don't have any ill will towards Linux, I use it myself at work and home. But I'm not buying my parents a System76 machine for Christmas because I know the OS is unusable for them while the machines themselves are not well priced or spec'd for their needs.

The closest thing I could buy is a Chromebook, which fits the needs of a kid in school certainly but is a bit weak and ill supported for what they use a computer for.

So if I do get either of them a new computer, it's going to be a Windows or Mac. Linux options for them don't exist. There's no way to "reward linux integration" even if I wanted to, it's just not realistic.

There are Linux offers from Dell and Lenovo; I heard something that HP could offer it as well.

When you are paying for Windows, you will be getting Windows. It is up to you. However, don't complain that you have to "fix" something when installing Linux on a Windows machine; after all, you got Windows machine and that's what your vendor prepared for you.

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